David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Consultation response: Scotland's Innovation Strategy

The Scottish Government’s called for evidence on Scotland’s Innovation Strategy. Our response has five key recommendations drawn from research conversations.

The David Hume Institute responded to the Scottish Government’s call for evidence on Scotland’s Innovation Strategy.

Our response is based on common themes from one to one interviews and a roundtable conducted in line with the Chatham House Rule in June 2022. Participants were from different backgrounds and areas of expertise. The response also draws on previous research conversations from the Action Project, see appendix 1 of the submission.

Key recommendations

  1. Think long term and be brave

  2. Have clarity of purpose

  3. Lead by Example

  4. Ensure data and facts underpin decision making

  5. Play to our strengths but there is more than one game

Read the full submission to find our the detail of our recommendations.

Image credit: Sharing thumbnail image photo by FORTYTWO free from Unsplash 30.06.2022

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